I am a
bisexual transgender woman. I fully accept all LGBTQ+ people. I fully affirm
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, genderqueer, pansexual, and so on
and so forth people as equally valid. And I must speak out.
I’ve been
asked a number of times by a number of people in a number of ways why I speak
out. Usually it’s some variation of “Why does everyone need to know?” Or also “Why
do you need to be so open about it?” And it’s usually it’s from a place of concern.
They know about the discrimination and issues gender and sexual minorities face
and they don’t want me to face that. But it’s still an odd question right? “Why
does everyone need to know?” But I have a counter-question.
Why do we see it as
something that should be hidden?
Now, I know that some family will
likely read this, and I know that 99% of my family unfortunately does not and
will not support my positions. But that won’t stop me from saying… there’s
nothing to hide or be ashamed of. We see straight couples all the time wearing
matching clothes and silly shirts and holding hands and being romantic in
public. But then people look at a gay couple and are like “Ugh, why do you need
to make it so public?” or “We get it, you’re gay, why do you need to shove it
in our faces?” (Cause straight couples TOTALLY don’t do that, right?)
So why should
it be so hidden? Cause some straight people might find it icky? Because you
believe it’s a sin? Yeah, you believe being Wiccan is a sin too, but if someone
wears something that states they’re a Wiccan you shouldn’t be like “QUIT BEING
The fact
is, when you’re asking the question, you’re saying “Go back in the closet, I
don’t want to see it.” The Christian Right often laments how accepting of “the
gays” America is but really… there’s plenty more work to be done still. We’re
still telling lesbian, gay, bisexual people that it’s shameful, it needs to be
hidden, it’s not worthy of being as public as straight people.
And then we
wrap it up in concern. “Well, you shouldn’t be so open about it cause you’ll
face discrimination!” And people, you’re sweet, you really are. But stop trying
to stifle change and just tell us to keep quiet. Keeping quiet doesn’t work.
Keeping quiet doesn’t change things. Keeping quiet is not going to fix the
problems that we face. Maybe instead of asking “Why do you need to be so public
when you’ll face discrimination?” we should be asking “Why are people
discriminating against us?” In fact, I have a few questions to ask in return.
Why are 40% of
homeless youth some form of LGBTQ+?
When you
ask “Why do you need to be so public?” you’re essentially saying that for
homeless youth, it’s their fault for coming out. They were risking
discrimination! And if you responded that… think of how fucked up that is? You
are saying it’s their fault they’re homeless instead of, ya know, being their
parents’ fault for kicking them out, peoples’ fault for treating them shitty,
employers’ fault for refusing to hire them. Instead of telling us to keep
quiet, why aren’t you tell those people to stop kicking us out of homes?
Why are 21% of young
bisexual people attempting suicide each
Why must
they be so visible? Well if visibility is the problem, why is suicide such a
problem? And there will unfortunately be the people that place all blame for
suicide on the victim. (Well it was their
choice! Or something just as shitty.) But why are we thinking that or thinking “Oh,
why did they have to choose that?” When you are suicidal, you do not realize
there are other options. I know, I’ve been there. So instead of asking why they
did it, maybe we should be asking why people are making life so horrible for
them they felt they had no other option.
Why are 1 in 12 trans
people murdered (1 in 8 if they are a trans woman of color)?
Why must we
be so visible? Well, as a trans woman, I know all the safety tips. Don’t walk
alone at night, don’t go to certain areas, don’t make it too well known being
trans, but wait wait wait, before I go further… Why are we putting on emphasis
on what I need to to do be safe
instead of trying to figure out why the
fuck people are killing us at an alarming rate? This isn’t just standard
safety for everyone. We are being killed way faster than anyone else. And it’s
not just strangers. Former and current lovers have killed trans women. A trans
woman was killed by her own father!
So clearly even if we follow all the tips… we still might be killed. So why are
we not addressing the problem of people that think it’s ok to kill us?
Why are we still
allowed to be fired?
There are
still an alarming number of states that totally allow someone to be fired on
the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. And it happens! (Look back
up at the homelessness statistic…) And some people will say “Well why’d you
come out to a homophobic boss?” or “Why’d you come out when you knew the state
allowed it?” But why are we asking that question instead of asking why the hell are they allowed to fire people
for that? Why are we blaming LGBTQ+ folk instead of blaming the people that
are freaking firing them?!
Why are people more
shocked by my openness than by what happens to us?
I am open
because I have no damn reason not to be. None. I don’t care if you believe it’s
“icky” or sinful. I have no reason to
hide. I have nothing to be ashamed of. And neither do the rest of my LGBTQ+
friends. My lesbian friends have nothing to be ashamed of. My transgender
friends have nothing to be ashamed of. My bisexual, gay, genderqueer,
genderfluid, pansexual, queer friends have nothing
to be ashamed of.
So family that reads this, know
that I love and cherish you, and I will never wish bad upon you. But I won’t
apologize for saying, I will always be fighting against calling any of us
sinful. I will always be fighting against the systematic belief systems that
have forced us into homelessness and suicide for so long. I will always be
fighting against the idea that we are something that needs to change of be
You will always be my family, I
will always love you and talk to you and be nice to you and be happy to see you.
But I cannot sugar coat that if you believe being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
or any of the other various sexual orientations or gender identities are wrong,
we are not and cannot be on the same side. And just as I’m sure you will
actively push back against my beliefs, I also will be actively fighting against
your beliefs.
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